[RMMV Plugin] On-Map Bullets

Version: v1.01


This plugin enables player character and events to spawn 'bullets' on the game map, that technically are game pictures. The bullets disappear (erased) when hitting obstacles (impassable things). If they hit an event (not the spawning one), its self switch with name configured in the plugin parameter will be turned on. If they hit the player character (not from itself), the switch with id as configured in the plugin parameter will be turned on.

Some RPGs, and mainly action RPGs use such on-map bullet system. And thus this is pretty useful to build an event-based action battle system.

This plugin is a remake from my previous work, RPG VX script 'BulletMod', which is used in a game made by myself, The Mystery House. Check out the script here.

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Plugin Command

ShowBullet name source inst_id speed dir atk target fixed

MoveBullet inst_id x y angle

Read the plugin instructions for explanation.


This plugin only provides rather 'raw' function to spawn bullets. You may need some special handlings with your own event commands/scripts if you want to extend some, e.g. to prevent player character spawn bullets while an autorun/triggered event is running since it is run in a parallel event.

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[RMMV Plugin] Localization and String Table

Version: v1.01


This plugin allows your game to use string table for each language stored in data\Strings.json, and the player can select language in Options menu to use. The string table contains strings for the game terms that override the ones defined in the database, and some user-defined strings. Additionally you can use escape notation for the strings on dialog messages.

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data\Strings.json stores strings for each language in the following format:


The string langName and term_mes_Language are required to display the 'Language' option item in Options menu. The string locale is necessary to determine locale used in the game (e.g. en_US, zh, jp, ru, etc). The strings for the game terms are optional, if not present the terms data in the database will be used.

Message Escape Notation

For dialog messages, scrolling texts, item and skill descriptions, and anything in window boxes, you can use escape notation in the text: \str[yourString]. The string yourString itself can contain escape notations to be processed.


The complete sample of Strings.json can be downloaded alongside with this plugin. Currently it doesn't include many languages yet, you can add more and suggest if you want.

This plugin doesn't handle item, skill, class, enemy and type names, and also terms defined and used in other plugins unless they allow escape notations to be processed.

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Sample file Strings.json

[RMMV Plugin] Enemy Level

Version: v1.00


In the default RPG MV game system, actors have level and parameter curves corresponding to each level 1~99. That means their parameters change upon leveling up. Yet enemies don't so, and thus their parameters are fixed, even while the actors keep leveling up and getting stronger.

With this plugin, you can define level and parameter curves of enemies as eval formula. The enemy level can be defined as function of average party level, so that their level will be 'adjusted' evenly at the start of the battle, like in some games like Final Fantasy Tactics. Additionally, you can define suffix on their name that indicates their level, like "Lv.XX".

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Enemy Notetag


<level: lvl+Math.randomInt(6)-3>
mhp: 100+(lvl-1)*50

Read the instructions for the explanation.

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[RMMV Plugin] Pathfinding Extras

Version: v1.00


Unlike in RPG Maker VX Ace and former, RPG Maker MV's default game system allows the player to click on a game map tile as destination. The player character will find a shortest path to it using A* pathfinding algorithm, as implemented in method Game_Character.findDirectionTo.

In this plugin, such that method is overriden and extended to allow you to select one of pathfinding algorithms: A*, Jump-point Search, Dijkstra and Greedy Best-first Search. Additionally, you can also enable the characters to move diagonally by setting the parameter '8-directional Mode'.

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About Pathfinding Algorithms

You can learn about the pathfinding algorithms in the following articles.


Jump-point Search:


Features and Usages

  • Option to select other pathfinding algorithms to experiment: Jump-point Search, Dijkstra and Greedy Best-first Search.
  • Option whether to keep the found path until the character reach the destination; thus the pathfinding algorithm is only executed once when being ordered to move to the destination. However, the path can be obstructed by some moving objects (other characters), as the character won't move avoiding them.
  • Option whether to draw diagnostic traces as magenta and blue squares that represent path and explored tiles.


  • If you have MK_AdvancedMove plugin installed, put this plugin under it.
  • Jump-point search is the fastest algorithm since it searches fewer tiles than A* does, but still produces shortest path.
  • Greedy best-first search often performs badly; it tends to produce much longer path. Also unless the 'Remember Path' option is enabled, the character's movement can somewhat get stalled.

Coming in the Next Version

  • Some optimizations, probably.

Known issues

  • The current implemented jump-point search somehow fails on dealing with some certain tiles, like in sample map 'School Hall'.

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RPG MV Plugins Wishlist


Here I have some idea of RPG Maker MV plugins to develop in some time. There's no estimation on when they'll be done. Anyway if you want to suggest some more, feel free to comment here.

Plugins Wishlist

  • Easy draw text: allows you to draw styled text as pictures on the game map. This can help you to, e.g. make some HUD and on-map popups.
  • On-map bullet: allows the player character and events to spawn 'bullets' as pictures on the game map. The bullets will vanish when hitting impassable tiles and can trigger some common events when hitting the characters.
  • Localization and string table (done, see on this link!): allows player to select a different language through the Options menu for the game terms. You can also define table of strings for each language in a file data\Strings.json, to be used for e.g. dialog messages.
  • Custom weathers: allows you to freely customize how particles spawn for each weather. You can also use image for each particle (can affect the game performance).
  • Free/pixel movement in Advanced Movement plugin: the player character won't be always snapped to the tiles upon moving.
  • Item usage dependency: enables items to use up some other items when consumed, like recipes.
  • Advanced currency: allows you to define multiple currencies and fractional terms (for example 1g 500s that's equal to 1500s).
  • Secure data & resource encryptor: provides a tool to encrypt (almost) all game files. Still being researched since resource and data files, including scripts are exposed and thus vulnerable to kind of abuses, as decrypting files using a script in the game isn't a completely secure way.
  • Vitality/hunger system: each actor has vitality points (VP) that indicates his/her hunger. His/her stats (max HP, ATK, etc.) will be penalized by certain percentage if his/her VP runs low. There's also critical level of VP where the actor can't participate in battles, and zero level (starvation) where he/she dies. VP of the actors decreases upon attacking/casting skills, while you can define skills and items ('foods') that give the user/designated targets some VP.
  • Advanced targeting and unit classification: allows you to define unit classifications (like Mechanical, Undead, etc.) and extends possible target scope of each skill (including the unit classifications), pretty like in Warcraft III. In addition, you can define different effects for each target scope, e.g. a skill that deals damage to Undead units and recover HP of non-Undead units.
  • MMO-style map navigation: displays minimap HUD and adds a menu option to show the full map. The map also contains certain icon marks for some events (e.g. NPCs that gives you quests). The player can also click on the map as destination point to auto-path.
  • MMO-style quest system: just like in most Korean MMORPGs.
  • And finally a 'project' plan, μ'ki's Action System: a whole on-map action battle system (ABS), adopted from Korean MMOs and offline RPGs like Zenonia.

[Game] The Mystery House

Concept Story

At a midnight, a thief named Baron got in Diana's house when Diana and Lina were sleeping. He quietly kidnapped and brought Lina to a mystery house. That house has 20 floors and looks scary. Baron uses a teleportation device in order to get in the mystery house instantly. In that house, Baron hid Lina in an unknown place, on 20th floor.

Meanwhile, Diana suddenly got up. She was shocked that Lina was lost. Then a security came and told to Diana, "I saw Baron Lina in a mystery house. Save her!"

Diana went to the mystery house soon and brought nothing to save Lina. Will she find Lina in such a scary house...?



Download The Mystery House (about 11 MB)


  • Enterbrain
  • redlagart
  • reijubv
  • Sithjester
  • ardo_wei

[RMMV Plugin] Self Variables

Version: v1.00


The RPG MV default game system has self switches data, but you may also need 'self variables' that belong to each event object like self switches do. That was inspired by RPG VX script "Rei Self Variable", which can be found at RPGMakerID forum, so that I developed this RPG MV plugin for it.

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Features and Usages

  • Allows self variables data to be stored in the game save data.
  • Provides easier access to self variables and switches:
    $gameSelfVariables.valueOf(eventId, 'name')
    $gameSelfVariables.setValueOf(eventId, 'name', value);
    $gameSelfSwitches.valueOf(eventId, 'name')
    $gameSelfSwitches.setValueOf(eventId, 'name', value);

    Note: The self switch names by default are 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D', but here you can define the names by yourself.

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