[RMMV Plugin] Advanced Movement

Version: v1.02


μ'ki's Advanced Movement is remake from my previous work, Alissa Advanced Move Route (for RPG Maker XP & VX), for RPG Maker MV. It also overrides the Move Toward Player route command to use pathfinding, like my another previous work, Listra Pathfinder Module, does. However, here it uses the A* pathfinding algorithm that already exists in the RPG MV game system, with a little mod to adjust/omit the search limit.

For information about Alissa Advanced Move Route, search the thread at RPGMakerID forum. Sorry, I don't know if it exists, maybe because it has been several years ago.

For information about Listra Pathfinder Module, visit this link.

Contact me for support/bug report:


Features and Usages

  • Adjusts A* pathfinding search depth limit (by default set to 12), if the shortest path to the destination is longer than that value, the character may stop in front of an obstacle.
  • Adjusts whether to use pathfinding for Move toward Player (and other characters) instead of naive movement that doesn't avoid obstacles.
  • Move towards point, just add script in the movement route: this.moveTowardPoint(X, Y);
  • Jump left(4), right(6), up(8), down(2) (one step, triggering Player/Event Touch): this.jumpStraight(direction[, turn_ok = true]);
  • Jump diagonally: this.jumpDiagonally(h, v[, turn_ok = true]);
  • Jump towards point (per step): this.jumpTowardPoint(X, Y);
  • Jump towards char (player/event): this.jumpTowardCharacter(character);
  • this.jumpTowardPlayer();
  • this.jumpAwayFromCharacter();
  • this.jumpRandom();
  • this.jumpForward();
  • this.jumpBackward();
  • this.eraseEvent(event);
  • Flow label: this.label(label_name);
  • Jump to label with condition: this.jumpLabel(label_name[, cond = "true"]);
  • this.endRoute();



  • Prepared for compatibility to MK_Pathfinding.js plugin.


  • 8-direction support for the pathfinding algorithm.


  • Improved the A* algorithm that lagged when targeting a character, since it isn't passable and causes the algorithm search entire pathable tiles.
  • Fixed followers not moving when the player character is in jump mode.
  • 8-direction player movement.

Coming in the Next Version

  • Option to use free/pixel movement system.
  • More movement route commands (probably).

Download Plugin



  1. Hey, could you help me out? Whenever I try to use the "this.moveTowardPoint(X, Y)" script it gives me the folowing error when play testing: "cannot read property 'dir 8' of undefined"

    1. Update the plugin and check any related plugins if there.

  2. Wonderful illustrated information. I thank you about that. No doubt it will be very useful for my future projects. Would like to see some other posts on the same subject!

  3. Great articles and great layout. Your blog post deserves all of the positive feedback it’s been getting.

  4. Same error, Cannot read property "Dur8

    1. Same error here. "Cannot Read Property "Dir8" of undefined

  5. To fix the Dir8 issue, change line 174 of the script from !Maki.Params.Dir8 to !Maki.AM.Dir8.

    Also, as a sidenote, beware of clicking on things that have no route (like clicking in a building, if you hold down the mouse). The script locks up until you can manage to click somewhere taht you can actually get to.

  6. Using this plugin for RPG maker MZ, and has an error "this._followers.forEach" is not a function.
